Acri Muller Consulting

Allison A. Muller, Pharm.D, D.ABAT, FAACT, AFACMT Diplomate of the American Board of Applied Toxicology (D.ABAT), Fellow of the american academy of clinical Toxicology (FAACT), affiliate fellow of the American college of medical toxicology (AFACMT)

Litigation Consultant & Expert Witness

“Writing with the legal community in mind” where toxicology and law can be understood by a diverse audience: attorneys, the lay public, insurance professionals ... more

Dr. Muller is valued by attorneys for her ability to:

  • Help juries and attorneys clearly understand complex medical issues at levels understood by her audience
  • Present accurate, current, and well-researched information for attorneys to assess the complexity and viability of their case
  • Connect using eye contact, visuals, and easy-to-understand language
  • Write reports and supporting materials that are clear, concise, and understandable

Dr. Muller provides written reports and expert testimony in the following areas for both plaintiffs and defendants:

  • Medication errors and adverse drug reactions
  • Poisonings (pediatric and adult; accidental and intentional)
  • Alcohol or drug-related motor vehicle accidents
  • Carbon monoxide exposures
  • Chemical exposures (such as occupational-related exposures)
  • Environmental issues (such as pesticides, herbicides)

Medical Writer

“Writing with the patient in mind” for a variety of healthcare audiences: physicians, pharmacists, nurses, and patients ... more

Her experience in promotional and accredited education (CME/CE) includes:

Journal articles, slide decks, posters, abstracts, website content, expert faculty interviews, newsletters, web-based education, needs assessments, and patient-focused educational materials