Just What the Doctor Ordered

I launched Acri Muller Consulting 7 ½ years ago. Time has flown by. Despite that long stretch of time, this summer was the first time I took a long trip and really unplugged (no working on the road). I’ve had time away here and there, but have always at least kept up with email. Not this time. And it felt amazing. (Just what the doctor ordered!)

I took a road trip with my daughter on the Pacific Coast Highway, San Francisco to Santa Barbara. A few years ago, I made a similar trip, but it was from Los Angeles to San Francisco over only 4 days. I decided to drive less miles over a longer period of time (plus going south was nicer since you’re driving right along the coast instead of one lane over). My daughter and I have memories from this trip that we will always treasure.

Janet Falk, PhD did a LinkedIn post on how to craft your “out of office” message. She summarized some great tips, including to let clients know how to reach you in the event something cannot wait until your return. For this trip though, cell service was spotty (#BigSur) so that made pre-trip office organizing even more important. I made sure clients with very active cases or projects knew ahead of time that I would be 100% out of the office. As hard as it is to do when you are a “company of one”, I definitely won’t wait 7 ½ years for my next true vacation!

#consultantlife #worklifebalance

consultant life